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In 2009, the Alberta Residential Landlord Association (ARLA) envisioned developing an Online Learning Program that would provide a greater understanding surrounding the laws pertaining to the Residential Tenancies Act and Ministerial Regulations.

The ARLABoard struck the Online Learning Committee and with great passion and commitment “Suite Smarts – Alberta Landlords and the Residential Tenancies Act” was born.

The Board of Directors wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the Online Learning Committee members:

  • Sherri Doucette, Chair, Education Committee
  • Donna Monkhouse, Executive Director
    Alberta Residential Landlord Association
  • Brendon Hewitt, former ARLA Director 
  • Dan Posa, Chair, Trade Show & Conference
  • Chrystal Skead, ARLA Member & Course Content Writer

The Board also wishes to acknowledge and thank the ARLA Website Chairs, Lynn Hamilton and Sandy Pon for their website expertise.


To the Management and staff, Alberta Consumer Services Branch, who embraced the vision of the Online Learning Program and to which they provided their expertise in reviewing written course material and content.

Thank you to the following members who participated in Beta Testing the site: Brendon Hewitt, Kelson Group, Urbanlife Management and Weidner Investments.


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