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What is Suite Smarts?

Join our fictional protagonist, Adam Smart, as he learns the basics of being a landlord in Alberta. In this self-paced on-line course you will be using the Alberta Residential Tenancies Act and Residential Tenancy Ministerial Regulations to make decisions on the right course of action for the challenges Adam faces as he manages his new investment property. You will be asked multiple choice, yes / no and true /false questions as well as matching some terms to definitions in order to complete the journey through the set up of his apartment management business and situations that arise with each of his six tenants. This is an excellent opportunity for people new to the industry, or for veteran landlords who wish to brush up on their knowledge of the Alberta Residential Tenancy legislation.

About ARLA

The Alberta Residential Landlord Association (ARLA) founded in 1994, is a membership based, not for profit Association, that is dedicated to strengthening the Residential Rental Industry by educating, uniting and advocating for professional members and preferred service members. ARLA represents approximately 95,000+ primary and secondary units in Edmonton and surrounding areas. Together our members employ thousands of people and spend in excess of $230 million annually on the operational side. Our Association is governed by a Board of Directors and committed staff members who together provide a united voice for the rental housing community in Edmonton and across Alberta.

ARLA offers tremendous benefits and ensures its members are well informed with respect to government legislation, market trends, education and networking opportunities. We have an array of professional landlord forms and notices available for purchase, to help streamline and standardize rental housing business practices for all landlords in Alberta.


In 2009, the Alberta Residential Landlord Association (ARLA) envisioned developing an Online Learning Program that would provide a greater understanding surrounding the laws pertaining to the Residential Tenancies Act and Ministerial Regulations.

The Board of Directors wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the Online Learning Committee members.

About the Author

Chrystal Skead, CPM®, ARM® has been active full-time in the property management industry since 1985. Starting out as a resident manager, she has worked her way through all roles of management on many varied portfolios and into senior management for a mid-sized corporation. Although based in Edmonton, she has managed multi-family residential property throughout western Canada. In 2011, she started her own business as an independent property management consultant, assisting building owners and managers achieve their success by providing key pieces of knowledge and expertise to which they might not otherwise have access.

Special Thanks to...

The Alberta Residential Landlord Association extends its sincere appreciation and gratitude to Sonny Mirth and Matthew Woodley, Reynolds, Mirth, Richards & Farmer, LLP for their legal assistance with the Online Learning “Suite Smarts – Alberta Landlords and the Residential Tenancies Act” Program.


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